I am an artist

by - May 29, 2018

I am an artist, 
Though I cannot paint. 
I cannot write a novel. 
I cannot act in a film. 

Yet I am an artist, 
My paintbrush is my razor. 
My story is told through my tears. 
My film is life and my smile-
is the main character.

I am an artist, 
An artist with a dark truth. 
A hidden story, 
And a made up happy ending. 

I am an artist, 
An artist that has ran out of space 
for my crimson creativity. 
An artist that has cried my last story;
An artist that has pretended for the last day. 

I am an artist, 
An artist who has done my time, 
And has been beaten by sadness. 

I am an artist, 
An artist who’s art is not appreciated. 
An artist who never reach the height of- worlds noticeability, 
An artist whose art will die as I do. 

I was an artist, 
Until my art took over me, 
And now – I exist not. 

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